Sanguines and Phlegmatics

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sanguines - They like to be the center of attraction, captivating other people with their endless conversation. But if you listen to their talk long enough, you will discover that they are their own favorite persons. Most of what they say revolves around their interests and desires.

Phlegmatics - The traits of the Phlegmatics are also evident in their finances. Their selfishness often makes them downright stingy. Their efforts at frugality become legendary as they indulge their “pack-rat” tendencies. These are the people who have their original nickel, or may have his original train set, stored neatly up on the attic out of reach of his children.


and I sometimes doubt about my secondary temperament. San or Phleg?? :D still have to meditate for this. haha


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